Digital Run Analysis

For the self-motivated runner who wants metrics & data to improve their performance

Digital Run Analysis

For the self-motivated runner who wants metrics & data to improve their performance

Your Run Analysis Includes:

Video biomechanics overlay & visual pointers to body map angles
& trajectory. 

Coach’s voiceover feedback & slow motion video replay educating energy leeks of your run gait.

Personalized corrective video-based drills to improve your form sent to you to improve your form!

Getting a personalized run analysis & optimizing your gait lowers your risk of injury by 62%

(Chan Z. et al., 2018)

How it Works

Receive an email within 24 hours with instructions from Coach Holly about how to record and submit running form videos as well as a short questionnaire to provide necessary details.

Step 1: Order your Run Analysis

Coach Holly will record a voiceover detailing a biomechanical breakdown of your form as well as an outline specific areas that require attention to run efficiently and stay injury-free.

Step 2: Submit Your Video for Analysis

Check your inbox for a video from Coach Holly and take note of the drills and exercises she recommends practicing to improve your running form! 

Step 3: Review Expert Feedback


$65 CAD + GST

How it Works

Receive an email within 24 hours with instructions from Coach Holly about how to record and submit running form videos as well as a short questionnaire to provide necessary details.

Step 1: Order your Run Analysis

Coach Holly will record a voiceover detailing a biomechanical breakdown of your form as well as an outline specific areas that require attention to run efficiently and stay injury-free.

Step 2: Submit Your Video for Analysis

Check your inbox for a video from Coach Holly and take note of the drills and exercises she recommends practicing to improve your running form! 

Step 3: Review Expert Feedback


$65 CAD + GST

Buy your analysis today!


You’ve changed my perspective on movement forever & I so love being able to plan my week to fit my crazy schedule!


I’m feeling better now than I have in 15 years, on par with when I was 35! I haven’t had back pain at all in a year & my mobility has never been this good. 


I completely forgot how beautiful it is to run where I live, thank you for the run routes you make me! I’m consistent now more than ever & my relationship with running is healthier.


Side note…I may be strong from our coaching but didn’t know I’d b strong enough to rip up carpet for 2 days in our renovation project house & not be sore. WIN!

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